Final Project Beginnings

Here’s the posting with details for your Final Project Submissions.

A new category has been published called Final Project Postings. Please file your post under that category.

Your Project is due officially by Midnight on April 29th and posted following the guidelines below, and is to be presented at our last class which is on May 1st, Thursday, from 2-5. Food provided by the faculty dude.

Please follow these guidelines as you post not only your soundfile(s) but also the text required below:

1. Title of your work, followed by the timing of your soundfile in parentheses i.e. (5:20). The required time is 5 minutes, but anything around that will be acceptable if the piece hangs together well formally.

2. Next, at least a paragraph of detailed description of your work, including what samples you used, what you did with them, what effects from the Live Audio Effects Instruments you used, how you used midi, automation, describe the formal architecture of the piece and how you ‘composed’ the piece.

3. Originality Description : Please cite your influences in this work, and directly cite which samples you used, whether they be from commercial music, or from classmates. Describe what you did to those samples to ‘make them your own’. Each of us has an individual voice, as we’ve seen this semester, and in my humble opinion, no one has leaned inordinately on others’ material. The goal of this paragraph is for you to assess for yourself and for me what constitutes ‘originality’ when working with already existing material or influences. No write or wrong answer here, just explore the question.

4. Screenshot(s) Please upload (using the wordpress interface) a screenshot or two which gives us an idea of how you used Ableton Live to create your work. Any questions, please ask me.

5. Soundfiles. If you have only one bounce of your final project, so be it. If you want to offer two, so be it. If you wish to upload a file of your ‘original materials’ for comparison to the composition, great. Please submit at minimum what you feel is your ‘final answer’, what you feel is your best offering, to be assessed and contribute to your grade.

Please ask questions, email me or call me if anything is unclear, or if you need any support in getting this done. If for any reason you have a problem meeting the deadline, it can be extended til May 1st at midnight, if and only if you can present it on May 1st in class, AND if you’ve contacted me directly for that extension. Todd

Question about the Final Composition

When is it due? April 14th? 21st?

Composition #1 – Please post your results here. – Deadline

Please post your Compositions as links in comments here.  Eventually we’ll make a page for them.  Please post them as described.  Your one sound file should include your raw samples in front of the compostion in some form so as to be recognizable i.e, with space between them of at least 500 milliseconds.

This is a deadline.   Please have your final results posted by Friday, February 29th, in preparation for class on March 3rd, and so that I can review them over the weekend.

Please post comments if you are unsure of ANYthing.

NO CLASS on Monday, February 25th.

Sorry, folks, after making a good effort to provide some good education for y’all on Monday, I’ve failed.  We continue the next week with an exhaustive workshop on Ableton Live.  There will be an assignment to be completed in lieu of this Monday’s class, so watch for it.  It will be light and will involve reading the Ableton Manual and simply gathering some files and doing one lesson from the Ableton Tutorials.

Let me know if you have any questions whatsoever.   Todd

ASSIGNMENT #3 ProTools Sketch and Audio Exchange

Dear 2020 folks…

A quick recap of your assignment for this Monday.

1. Do any editing of your Assignment #2 to make it stellar, or better, or whatever, so we can post it for the world to see.

2. Offer up 3 of your favorite samples by posting them to your school account and leaving a web link so that others can download them and use them.

3. Everybody will present a graphic ‘sketch’  of what their #3 audio project will sound/look like, which you will then flesh out in an electronic composition due the following class, which will be on Tuesday the 19th of February composed of your sounds, the sounds of others, and anything else you want to include, be it acoustic guitar, voice, samples.  We’ll make sure we’re clear on this Monday night.

So far, Kyle is the only one who has alerted me to his questions about posting his sounds, and most of you have not posted… it’s getting a little late to do so, as others need to pick from your sounds to conceive their sketches.  Those who posted early exhibit more tendencies to fulfilling grading requirements as stated in the syllabus, so please do keep that in mind.  If you have missed classes, or are behind and need support to keep current, please do your own due diligence on the blog or get information from another companion student in the spirit of class community.

After that, however, my email door is always open.  I just realized that I have not been getting email notifications when you post comments, and I’ll set myself to correcting that. Post any comments and/or questions, I’ll answer them ASAP (if someone doesn’t beat me to it.)

Post Your Sounds Here

Hey all, great class, great work.  Fantastic sounds found and created, and great first drafts of your compositions.For next week, as requested, please post 3 of your favorite sounds link to that folder as a comment to this post.I’ll post a follow up assignment description as well in a separate post.  Best,  T.